have you ever waken up one day and wanted to do something new?

if your answer is yes, then we completely understand.

how it started...

On the morning of July 4th, 2020, in the midst of the pandemic, our co-founder (Nick) asked fellow co-founder (Geoff) a very simple question that changed both of their lives forever.

"Yo bro, would you want to start selling silver jewelry?"

Since the pandemic had started earlier that year, causing so much uncertainty, Geoff had to close down his vintage clothing store.

The opportunity that Nick presented was new and exciting. This was the chance to continue living the dream of being self-employed while selling cool shit.

Silver for all
Silver for all
Silver for all
Silver for all
Silver for all
Silver for all

and here we are...

This chance for rebirth, mixed with their collective mindsets, was truly a recipe for success.

The number one focus that started that day and still remains is our curation.

Making sure that we're selecting the sickest pieces we can find while remaining inclusive to different stones, styles, sizes and more.

From us, to you

Our Values

We believe fashion has become very disposable. We champion our one of a kind pieces that we've hand selected for you with careful and meticulous curation.

past curations

Miguel Patron


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Leineal Howard


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Don Scollo


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Curation: the act or process of selecting cool ass fucking jewelry